Conquer Online

Mythsoul Upsurge Function will be Released on Apr. 11th – Get 3rd Mythsoul Effect through Upsurge – Conquer Online 2023

Note: The in-game update shall prevail.
Greetings, heroes!
A new Mythsoul function, Upsurge will be released on Apr. 11th. When the second Mythsoul in one equipment (from Mutation) reaches L5, you can carry out Mythsoul Upsurge to get the 3rd Mythsoul effect. Please check out the details below.
1. How to upsurge Mythsoul?
Click Forge – Mythforging – Mutate/Upsurge – Upsurge in game to open the interface.
When the second Mythsoul in one equipment (from Mutation) reaches L5, you can carry out Mythsoul Upsurge to get the 3rd Mythsoul effect. 200 Mythsoul EXP and 8,000,000 Silver are required for each Upsurge. You can gain Mythsoul EXP by enhancing Mythsouls.
Note: You have a chance fail in the Upsurge and there will be no 3rd Mythsoul effect.
If you success in Upsurge, you will get a 3rd effect of random level (L1 to L6) in the Mythsoul. The 3rd effect is only for Ring or Necklace. You can go on to upsurge the same Mythsoul, when a new effect or level appears, you can choose to get the new effect or keep the old effect.
2. 3rd Mythsoul Effects from Upsurge
A Mythsoul part can only get its corresponding Mythsoul types in Upsurge.
The 3rd Mythsoul effects for different parts:
Mythsoul Part 3rd Mythsoul Effect It can Get
 Ring L1 Discipline: Increases the chance of Dash by 0.5%.
L2 Discipline: Increases the chance of Dash by 1%.
L3 Discipline: Increases the chance of Dash by 1.5%.
L4 Discipline: Increases the chance of Dash by 2%.
L5 Discipline: Increases the chance of Dash by 3.5%.
L6 Discipline: Increases the chance of Dash by 5%.
 Necklace L1 Safeguard: Increases the chance of resisting Dash by 0.5%.
L2 Safeguard: Increases the chance of resisting Dash by 1%.
L3 Safeguard: Increases the chance of resisting Dash by 1.5%.
L4 Safeguard: Increases the chance of resisting Dash by 2%.
L5 Safeguard: Increases the chance of resisting Dash by 3.5%.
L6 Safeguard: Increases the chance of resisting Dash by 5%.

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