
Download and Explain the PlayStation 1 Emulator for the Computer DuckStation

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Today we have a comprehensive explanation of how to download and run the PlayStation 1 emulator.

The topic is simple and does not require very high device capabilities to run the games

Important: All emulator files, paths, and everything must be in English, not Arabic.

First, download the emulator: –

Then watch this simple video on how to install and add Bios files (important)

Download Bios files:-

Complete explanation with pictures

To show the BIOS files, which are very important to run the games (you must watch the video to create a BIOS file)

Then you specify the path through Settings, then BIOS, and choose Browse, and specify the file path, and then you can modify the Bios Selection files.

As for graphic adjustments, so that they do not cause any problems and are of high quality, use these same settings.

With Adapter, you choose your graphics card.

Here you choose the screen size (i.e. large, small, and how many Hz)

Finally, you will close the emulator and open it again, and you will have created a file called Ps1 Games in the game folder, and you will choose Add Game Directory and choose the path of the games file.

Then the games will appear like this and you can click on them and play normally.

For shield modifications or if you want to play with a keyboard, mouse, or any other type, you can adjust them through Settings, then Controllers.

If the shield is not connected, do not worry. The shields are automatically adjusted according to the type of shields connected to the device.

Download Now

Click on the image below the arrows and it will download automatically


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