The Hogwarts Legacy game maintains the top game sales in Britain and achieves a strong start to this year, as was the case at the end of last year. The new releases this week enter the list in advanced positions, including the game The Last of Us Part II: Remastered, which enters the list in third place, and the game Prince of Persia. The Lost Crown, which enters the list in fourth place, accounted for 49% of its sales on the PlayStation 5, 38% on the Switch version, 8% on the Xbox Series version, and finally 5% on the PlayStation 4 version.
Another Code: Recollection game package, the other new release this week for the Switch, comes in 21st place on the list. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe this week would have dropped from the list of 10 best-selling games for the first time in many years: