Gaming News

Sony interfered in the development of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 for fear that the game would not meet players’ expectations

Bryan Intihar, Insomniac’s creative director for Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, revealed in an interview with the Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences that Sony intervened in the game development process and requested that some things be removed in order for the studio to ensure the quality of the final game, and that it be in line with what players expect from Sony and its exclusive games.

He said:

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“I was writing, if we cut these things apart how do we connect them back together, because sometimes you remove elements that make it difficult to put things back together again, and that happens sometimes.

Brian didn’t explain what things were removed from the game but he constantly pointed out that the studio needed to rethink some things more realistically, so he’s clearly referring to ambitious ideas that were abandoned at the behest of Sony itself.

It is noteworthy that the actor performing the role of Venom had previously said that 90% of what he recorded did not appear in the game, and through the leaks we learned that the Venom game was a real thing that the studio intended to work on and release in 2025, which means that some of the content that Insomniac wanted for the game Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 may blossom into subsequent games for the studio.

It’s clear that Sony cares a lot about its image in front of gamers and knows that gamers expect a lot of quality from its games. What do you think of Brian’s statement?

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