Conquer Online

Lost Valley – Team up to pass challenges and win great treasures! Conquer Online 2022


Duration: Nov. 22nd to Dec. 5th

Requirement: Level 110 

Rewards: Class Awakening Boxes, Advanced +Stone (B), Mythsoul Pack, etc.


Saint Ravi Twin City (356,457)
Saint Guru Twisted City (183,301)
Ancient Ruler Lost Valley (361,334)
Key Items Description
Mana Amulet Get it from Bounty Hall. Take this amulet to enter Lost Valley (Normal).
Mana Rock Get it from Bounty Hall. Take this rock to enter Lost Valley (Hard).
Mana Token Get it from Bounty Hall. Take this token to enter Lost Valley (Hell).


1. Something weird has happened in Lost Valley. Saint Ravi came to Twin City to seek help for his brother Saint Guru.

2. Talk to Saint Guru in Twisted City (183,301) to enter the Lost Valley.

3. Lost Valley is quite dangerous. Please make a team and start the challenge after the team leader submits extra items. You will be rewarded with great treasures if you succeed!

4. There are 3 different difficulty levels in Lost Valley. Each level requires corresponding Mana Tokens. 

5. After entering the Lost Valley (Normal), Ancient Ruler will tell you the knacks for surviving in Lost Valley. 

Challenge 1: Pass Dash Path

5 team members click on the Dash Statue together so that you can remove it and enter Dash Path.

Collect 5 green dashes on the ground to enter Xuanyuan Attic. 

Click on Yuan Sword to summon the spirit. Defeat it to pass the challenge and get the treasure box.

Challenge 2: Pass Blaze Path

There are 3 tricks randomly placed on the path. Step on all of them to open Shennong Attic.


The traps along the path will spurt blaze to cause damage. You`ll lose HP for 5 seconds once you step on one and be slowed down for 5 seconds if you step on 3 of them continuously.

Click on Shennong Tripod to summon the spirit. Defeat it to pass the challenge and get the treasure box.

Challenge 3: Pass Slide Path

The path consists of transparent platforms. You can jump on the platforms to move forward.


You will see the purple light after stepping on the right platforms. If you make a mistake, you`ll be stunned for 3 seconds and return to the previous safe spot. Some undead envoys may appear and attack you on the wrong platforms.

Click on Pangu Axe to summon the spirit. Defeat it to pass the challenge and get the treasure box.

The fastest team to pass the Lost Valley will get an extra reward. The reward will be distributed by mail at 00:00 on Monday.

Challenge Reward
Lost Valley – Normal  L1 Mythsoul Pack *1
Lost Valley – Hard L1 Mythsoul Pack *1
Lost Valley – Hell L2 Mythsoul Pack *1

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