Quest: Turkey Adventure

Duration: 00:00 Nov. 22nd – 07:59 Dec. 5th(US Server Time)
Requirement: Level 80 or above
Key NPC:

6th Turkey Brother (Twin City)
Key Items:
Golden Warrant
This warrant made of golden feathers is a pass to the Big Turkey Fort. It’ll be turned into 40 Chi Points when it expires at 07:59, Dec. 5th.
Silver Warrant
This warrant made of silver feathers is a pass to the Small Turkey Fort. It’ll be turned into 10 Chi Points when it expires at 07:59, Dec. 5th.
Turkey Feather
Get it by capturing the forts, and use it to exchange for supplies. It’ll be turned into 10 Chi Points when it expires at 07:59, Dec. 5th.
Thanksgiving Coin
Get it by capturing the forts, and use it to exchange for random treasures. It’ll be turned into 10 Chi Points when it expires at 07:59, Dec. 5th.

Hunter Puzzle
Collect 25 puzzles to combine into a 3-star garment, Turkey Hunter (B), and 50 puzzles into a 5-star garment, Turkey Hunter (Terminator). It’ll be turned into 500 Chi Points when it expires at 07:59, Dec. 5th.
Detailed Walkthrough:
1. Capture Turkey Forts & Wake up Turkey Siblings
6th Turkey Brother hopes you can capture the turkey forts and stop his brothers and sisters.
There are 18 small forts and 5 big forts. You must capture one after another in order. When a fort is taken, you’ll receive some Thanksgiving Points, Thanksgiving Coins and Turkey Feathers! You’ll also get extra rewards on the 1st conquest of each fort.
Sometimes you may find a random hidden fort. Capture it to win more rewards.

2. Sharpen the Weapon & Defeat Turkey Counsellor
There are many Monstrous Golems on the Training Ground. Only by defeating 10 Monstrous Golems can you get the Grindstone. Sharpen the weapon at the Grindstone 3 times to get 1 Golden Warrant and 1 Silver Warrant.

Turkey Counsellor is hiding behind and making evil plans! Only by killing Turkey Imps can you meet Turkey Counsellor. However, you may enter a chaotic state while hunting those imps. You must collect 1 Budding Herb, 1 Decade Herb, 1 Century Herb and 1 Millennia Herb, and then combine them into 1 Refreshing Pill. Take this pill to get rid of the chaotic state.

Join in Turkey Counsellor defeating to get 1 Golden Warrant and 1 Silver Warrant once a day.

Tips: Warrants can be obtained by signing in, using Chi Tokens, sharpening the weapon and killing Turkey Counsellor. Use Golden Warrants to enter big turkey forts, and Silver Warrants to enter small turkey forts.
3. Exchange Thanksgiving Coins/Turkey Feathers for Treasures
Use Thanksgiving Coins to exchange for random treasures in the military depot of the turkey family. You’ll have a chance to get Yellow Rune Fragments (B), Permanent Stone Scraps (B) and some other rare rewards.

Turkey Feathers can be used to exchange for supplies, such as Tiger Chi Liquor (B), Universal Rune Essences (B) and +Stones (B).

4. Collect Thanksgiving Points & Get Ranked
Collect enough Thanksgiving Points to claim stage rewards, like Hunter Puzzles, the exclusive title – Three Musketurkeers (Flurry), etc.

Get 20000 points to get ranked on the Turkey Hunt Rankings to win the Thanksgiving title, Three Musketurkeers, Advanced Animae and more luxurious rewards.

Ranking Rewards:
Global | Rewards |
1 | 1 P13 Anima, 1 Solar Kylin, a permanent title, Three Musketurkeers (Brave), and 5 7-day 100KK Contribution Medals |
2 – 3 | 1 P12 Anima, a 180-day title, Three Musketurkeers (Brave), 5 7-day 100KK Contribution Medals and 10 Rare Yellow Rune Fragments |
4 – 6 | 1 P11 Anima, a 90-day title, Three Musketurkeers (Brave), 4 7-day 100KK Contribution Medals and 6 Rare Yellow Rune Fragments |
7 – 10 | 1 P10 Anima, a 60-day title, Three Musketurkeers (Brave), 3 7-day 100KK Contribution Medals and 3 Rare Yellow Rune Fragments |
Note: Collect at least 6000 Thanksgiving Points to get ranked on the global rankings.
Local | Rewards |
1 | 1 L4 Mythsoul Pack, 3 Permanent Stones (B), 1 Lightning Leopard (B) and 2000 Universal Rune Essences (B) |
2 – 3 | 2 L4 Mythsoul Packs, 3 Permanent Stones (B), 1 Pegasus (B) and 1800 Universal Rune Essences (B) |
4 – 6 | 2 L3 Mythsoul Packs, 2 Permanent Stones (B) and 1500 Universal Rune Essences (B) |
7 – 10 | 2 L3 Mythsoul Packs, 2 Permanent Stones (B) and 1000 Universal Rune Essences (B) |
Note: Collect at least 6000 Thanksgiving Points to get ranked on the local rankings. For more informations you can click here or click the buton “Eevent Page” in game.
Reward Display:
Three Musketurkeers (Brave)
Three Musketurkeers (Flurry)
Turkey Hunter (Terminator)
Turkey Hunter