
Website Block 3.27 (Latest)

Website Block

Looking for a way to block unwanted websites on Internet Explorer? Meet Website Block! This handy tool lets you easily stop any site from loading. If a blocked site is accessed, the user is redirected to a blank or custom “blocked page,” keeping the original content off your PC. It’s perfect for blocking annoying ads, banners, or chat rooms your kids might spend hours on. Website Block is great for parents who want to prevent access to adult or gambling sites, ensuring a safer online experience for children. Keep your browsing clean and distraction-free. Download Website Block from our website today and take control of your online experience!

Features of Website Block

  • Free real-time quotes Block websites of your choice.
  • Block porn sites Block porn, and block adult content based on keywords in the URL.
  • Blocked websites Use password-protected mode so that other users can not change settings.
  • Block website Allows saving and opening blocked website profiles.
  • Blocking website Includes password-protected uninstall.
  • Block Myspace, block Facebook, block Twitter Block MySpace, block Facebook, block Twitter, and any social networking site.
  • Website block Reduce your internet traffic by blocking ads and banners.
  • Block by keywords Selectively block websites by keywords appearing in the URL. Block porn sites, and block adult websites by typing unwanted keywords that may be found in the full URL.

Download Website Block Software for Windows

Website Block 3.27 | File Size: 2 MB

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