Gaming News

Konami hints at MGS 4 remaster coming soon

Speaking in a new interview, producer Noriaki Okamura recently hinted that the Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection sequel will likely include Metal Gear Solid 4 as well.

Okamura said:

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“We’re definitely aware of this situation with MGS4,” he said. “Unfortunately, we can’t say much at the moment with the first set [Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection], which contains MGS 1-3 point by point… Maybe you can connect the dots!

“Right now we are still internally concerned about what we need to do for the future of the series. I am very sorry, we cannot really reveal anything at this time.

This isn’t the first time the MGS4 idea has been included in a remastered bundle, with reports in June last year suggesting it would already be part of the next Metal Gear collection, alongside The Phantom Pain and Peace Walker, which was later reinforced by data leaks for the next bundle.

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