Gaming News

The first months of the year 2024 are not over yet, and more than 5,000 employees have lost their jobs!

The first months of 2024 are not over yet, and more than 5,000 employees have lost their jobs!

We previously told you at the end of last year about the website dedicated to monitoring the number of employees who were laid off during the year in the gaming industry. The number for the year 2023 reached more than 9 thousand employees in mid-last December and reached 10,500 employees by the end of the year.

Now, before the end of the first months of the year 2024, more than 3,770 employees have lost their jobs, according to the website, but this does not include the announcement of Microsoft’s layoff of about 1,900 employees, which we heard about a few hours ago. This brings the number of employees who were laid off this year to more than 5,600 employees! This year may become the worst in the history of the industry in terms of layoffs.

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