
Download Serif Affinity Photo

Serif Affinity Photo

Affinity Photo 2 delivers faster, more stable and more efficient performance and pushes the limits of professional photo editing. Whether you’re editing images, retouching them, or creating full-scale layered compositions, this app is packed with a wide range of tools specifically designed for creatives. As well as photography experts, it has all the power and performance you need to achieve whatever you set out to do.

Some of the best features include:
• Professional Adjustments and Fixes
Edit and enhance your images with Levels, Curves, Black & White, White Balance, HSL, Shadows and Highlights, and over a dozen other non-destructive adjustments with instant viewing and editing in any moment. Affinity Photo also provides advanced lens distortion correction and best-in-class noise reduction features, giving you access to a full range of options for the most efficient editing of any image.
• A complete set of retouching tools
Whether it’s a quick fix or a detailed retouch, Affinity Photo has everything you need. Along with the usual dodge, burn, clone, patch, blemish and red-eye removal tools, you can use the near-magic sketch brush, frequency separation, and a full set of built-in plastic warp functions.
• Dedicated workspace for RAW files
Process RAW files from the camera in a dedicated workspace, applying all the fine adjustments and making all the necessary changes in a limitless linear color space.
• HDR matching with tone mapping
Combine multiple exposures into a single 32-bit image with infinite color depth to bring out details when a single shot can’t.
• Finely crafted selections
With Affinity Photo’s advanced algorithms for refining selections, you’ll be able to achieve precision you’ve never dreamed of. Whether it’s cutting out objects, creating masks, or applying selective adjustments, you can easily create incredibly precise selections, right down to highlighting individual strands of hair.
• Breathtaking compositions
Along with support for unlimited layers, Affinity Photo includes a complete library of adjustment layers, layer effects, and dynamic filter layers, all of which can be grouped, clipped, masked, or stacked to create incredibly complex image compositions.
• Full support for importing and exporting PSD files
Import and edit Photoshop files directly into Affinity Photo, keeping adjustments, effects and layers intact. Also included is support for large PSB files, Photoshop plug-ins, and ABR brush files.
• Batch processing
Easily format entire folders of files without interrupting your workflow. Batch jobs run in the background, so you can even process hundreds of files and still keep working.
• Full range of plastic deformation options
Click and drag to work with putty, or use brushes with effects such as swirl, indentation, and turbulence, as well as the real-time Mesh Warp tool to change the look , shaping and warping photos.
• Stunning real-time effects
Affinity Photo features a wide range of premium and fully customizable filters, including dodge, blur, distortion, tilt-shift, shadows and glow. But what really sets it apart is that when you change the properties of the filter, you can always preview the resulting image in full resolution in real time.
• Natural brush strokes
Draw and sketch with an extensive library of over 120 professionally designed brushes, including effect brushes, paint and ink brushes, dry brushes, and brushes with highlighter strokes and bristle print. Compatible with all leading graphics tablets, Affinity Photo supports pressure-sensitivity and brush stabilization for super-smooth strokes that look natural.
• Flawless photo merging
Create perfect panoramas in all situations without exception, using the advanced photo merging algorithm, automatic image alignment and full-featured perspective correction capabilities available in the Affinity Photo app.
• Focus stacking
Masterfully combine multiple images taken at different focal lengths to increase depth of field. Affinity Photo provides features for leveling and incredibly precise analysis and identification of the best areas in every image you use.
• Recordable macros
Macros allow you to record an unlimited number of actions that you can save and play back whenever the need arises. You can even play macros in batch processing, making previously time-consuming tasks just a few clicks away.
• Your workspace, your choice
Customize your workspace with a choice of light or dark UI themes, customizable toolbars and tabs, and an extensive library of fully customizable keyboard shortcuts.

Other features of Affinity Photo:
• Undo history with save function
Undo history can be saved with the document, making all undo operations available to you whenever you return to your work.
• White Paper Removal
Instantly remove the paper background of a sketch or pencil drawing to make the background transparent.
• Fully customizable keyboard shortcuts
Improve your productivity with an extensive library of keyboard shortcuts for tools, menu functions, view options, and controls, all of which are fully customizable.
• Advanced typography
In addition, you have full access to the settings for spacing, kerning, baseline shift and letter spacing. Full OpenType font support is also included.
• Samples
Ability to create palettes with an unlimited number of colors to use while working, support for files with the extension .ase, Apple system palettes and much more.
• Panel “Transformation”
You can change the position, set the size, rotate and shift the layer thanks to full access to the relevant parameters.
• Layer effects.
All traditional layer effects including shadow, glow, outline, 3D, bevel, gradient overlay and more.
• Channels
View and edit layer colors and alpha channels to easily create complex selections and masks.
• Vector drawing
Create paths with a wide range of customizable shapes and best-in-class pen tool.
• Undo Brush
Use the Undo Brush to easily revert areas of your composition to their previous states by painting over areas of your composition.
• Professional color
RGB, CMYK, LAB, Greyscale and true CMYK color through. As well as full ICC color management and image editing with 32 bits per channel.
• Dedicated workspace for export tasks
Quickly select areas, layers or objects for export by changing the output settings for each exported item with a single click.
• Grids and Guides
Fully customizable grids and guides, as well as a full set of snapping and auto-alignment options, provide incredible precision as you work.
• Cross-platform (Windows, macOS and iOS)
Affinity Photo is available for Windows, macOS and iOS and ensures perfect file format compatibility.
• Lens profiles
Our RAW engine now includes profiles for hundreds of lens & camera body combinations for automatic lens correction.
• 32-bit Image Editing
Ability to compose and edit 32-bit images with infinite color depth and full support for Radiance HDR and OpenEXR file formats.
• Support for OpenColorIO
Workflows with OCIO pass-through color and the ability to move dynamically between color spaces are now supported.
• Support for professional printing and PDX/X
Thanks to the program’s compatibility with PDF/X-1a, PDF/X3 and PDF/X-4 formats, you can use spot colors, manage print overlays and add trim marks, bleeds and marks framing.
• Image stacks
Automatic stacking of multiple images of the same scene is also available, and more than 10 different stack modes can be applied to achieve different effects.
• 360° Image Editing Pan
and zoom 360° images using Affinity Photo’s full suite of dynamic editing tools.
• Cloning Sources Panel
Save an unlimited number of global sources for a clone brush, even when working on multiple documents at once.
• OpenEXR Import/Export
Powerful multichannel OpenEXR import/export with options such as left alpha multiplication to cater for all workflows.
• Text styles
With full support for text styles, you can combine the styles of text objects such as headings, subheadings, and text after the heading.
• Dynamic Perspective Projection
Work on distorted perspective areas in an image as if you were looking directly at it.
• Write back directly to a PSD file
When editing PSD files in Affinity Photo, you can set the appropriate settings to write back directly to those files when you save them.
• Touch Bar support
Support for the new MacBook Pro Touch Bar, including keyboard shortcuts and tool property sliders.
• Create selections by drawing
Use the brush tools to quickly and accurately paint areas to create a selection or mask.

Системные требования:
• Windows 11 / Windows 10 May 2020 Update (2004, 20H1, build 19041) or later (64 bit)
• Hardware GPU acceleration (Direct3D level 12.0-capable card)
• DirectX 10-compatible graphics cards and above
• 8GB RAM recommended
• 1GB of available hard drive space; more during installation
• 1280×768 display size or larger

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