


AntiPlagiarism.NET is a software product for checking text for borrowings from various Internet sources (conditionally called “non-unique fragments”). The search for plagiarism is carried out on the index of the largest Internet search engines, including Google, Yandex, Bing and others.

Benefits list
• Batch checks all texts from a given directory
• Accurately determines the uniqueness of text
• Finds and highlights non-unique text fragments directly on the restored copy of a web page
• Determines the uniqueness of web pages
• Looks for matches in saved copies of search engines
• Works with a list of proxies and much more other

• Search for the text to be checked in the index of the largest search engines (including saved copies)
• Determining the percentage of uniqueness of the checked text
• Ability to highlight the found matches both in the original text and on the recreated copy of the web page with which the matches were found
• Taking into account dishonest methods of increasing uniqueness – replacing letters with similar ones from other alphabets, inserting invisible utf characters
• Ability to configure various search parameters – the number of samples from the text, the number of words in the shingle, etc.
• The presence of predefined settings – “Default”, “Express”, “Deep”
• The ability to set individual addresses, as well as entire domains that will be ignored when checking the text for uniqueness
• Support for entering captcha from search engines both manually and automatically – via the web -service that supports the antigate API
• Ability to use a proxy list (to minimize the likelihood of a ban by search engines)
• Saving a report with the results of the check
• Support for formats: doc, docx, pdf, odt, html,
• Simple and intuitive interface
• “Site check” – checking the pages of the specified site (the list of addresses can also be specified through a file)
• “Batch check” – checking for uniqueness of several texts from a specified folder at once
• “Local check” – checking text for uniqueness among the documents indexed by the system from the specified local folder
• “Image uniqueness” – checking the photo for uniqueness
• “Text comparison” – determining the uniqueness of the source text relative to the target one
• “Seo check” – calculating a number of seo characteristics for given addresses/domains (Google Pr, Yandex TIC, number of pages in the Google and Yandex index, presence in the Yandex Directory and DMOZ, etc.)

Interface language: Russian/English
OS: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8/ 8.1, Windows 7, Vista, XP Download AntiPlagiarism.NET (2.5 MB):

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