
Zebra CardStudio Professional

Zebra CardStudio Professional

Easy-to-use CardStudio software makes it easy to design and print any card design from simple to complex. Thanks to an intuitive and well-designed interface, you do not need to resort to the help of a technical specialist or undergo special training.

Easily print from a few monochrome single-sided cards to thousands of encoded double-sided cards with full color designs and special security features. And CardStudio ID software can evolve with your business needs. With four versions, you can choose the features that are relevant to you, and then, if necessary, instantly purchase a more advanced version. So the card printing software you invest in today will meet your needs in the future.

Intuitive interface
Thanks to an intuitive and well-designed interface, you do not need to resort to the help of a technical specialist or undergo special training. Easily print from a few monochrome single-sided cards to thousands of encoded double-sided cards with full color designs and special security features and dynamic data.

Advanced data management
Create maps automatically using any available corporate data, including text, images, photos, and more from any source, from a database to a spreadsheet.

Higher level encoding support
The professional version includes support for magnetic stripe encoding, while the MIFARE contactless card family provides additional encoding options so you can print virtually any card.

Benefits of Cardstudio Professional
• Includes all features of the Enterprise edition and unlimited designs, projects, and data
• Full SmartCard functionality, including MIFARE Classic plus DESfire.

OS: Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11 Download Zebra CardStudio Professional (154.7 MB):

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