
phpMyAdmin 5.2.1

phpMyAdmin 5.2.1

phpMyAdmin is an application written in PHP and provides full-fledged, including remote, work with MySQL databases through a browser. Since phpMyAdmin allows in many cases to do without directly entering SQL commands, working with databases becomes quite a feasible task even for a person who is very superficially familiar with MySQL.

Изменения в версии:
– issue #17506 Fix error when configuring 2FA without XMLWriter or Imagick
– issue #17519 Fix Export pages not working in certain conditions
– issue #17121 Fix password_hash function incorrectly adding single quotes to password before hashing
– issue #17736 Add utf8mb3 as an alias of utf8 on the charset description page
– issue #17248 Support the UUID data type for MariaDB >= 10.7
– issue #16042 Fixes malformed downloads when using gzip compression type and FireFox browser
– Add `spellcheck=”false”` to all password fields and some text fields to avoid spell-jacking data leaks
– Fixes for jаvascript errors when using Designer
– Fixes for PHP 8.2 compatibility

OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 Download phpMyAdmin 5.2.1 (14.4 MB):

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