
FotoJet Designer 1.2.3 + Portable

PhotoJet Designer 1.2.3 + Portable

FotoJet Designer is a graphic editor, the main purpose of which is the creation of advertising banners, brochures, posters, posters and other similar projects. The main advantage of the program over other similar solutions is a huge library of templates, in which you will find thousands of blanks for creating polygraphy. When working with a ready-made template, the user only needs to replace the text in the image with the desired one and, if desired, make changes to the design. This process usually takes no more than a couple of minutes.

In addition to a large library of templates, FotoJet Designer will also delight you with sets with ready-made lettering styles, clipart and photographs that are suitable as a background image for your printing. Special attention should be focused on the section with clipart. The fact is that the program not only provides the user with access to ready-made graphic elements, but also allows you to make changes to them. In particular, with the help of special sliders, you can change the size of the element, its shape, add outlines, underlines, and so on.

From the description of the program, you could already understand that this is not a professional solution. FotoJet Designer is aimed primarily at those people who do not have much experience with graphic editors, so the interface is appropriate here. To say that the graphical shell of FD is intuitive is to say nothing. Moreover, the developers were not too lazy to provide the editor with a lot of tooltips and a detailed help file.

The principle of working with the program is to use a ready-made template with subsequent changes. It will not work to create a project from scratch – except to change one of the existing blanks beyond recognition.

Key features:
• a huge library with templates for creating graphic materials of various types;
• intuitive interface, which implies the ability to add new elements to the image by
“drag and drop” from the working panel;
• ready-made sets of signatures and cliparts;
• adding your own pictures from the computer’s memory and directly from online stocks;
• very simple and “friendly” interface.

OS: Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows 11 Download FotoJet Designer 1.2.3 (262.6 MB):

Download Portable FotoJet Designer 1.2.3 (247 MB):

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