
File Viewer Plus + Portable

File Viewer Plus + Portable

File Viewer Plus is an advanced file viewer and converter that supports over 300 file formats. Examples include Microsoft Office documents, PDF files, images, camera raw files, audio files, videos, compressed archives, and so on. The program even displays file properties and hidden metadata for every file you open.

File Viewer Plus is not only a file viewer, it is also a file editor and file converter. You can edit many popular file types and save them in several different formats. Do you need to convert many files? Version 2 now includes a powerful batch converter that allows you to convert hundreds or even thousands of files at once.

Why pay for dozens of programs when you need it? File Viewer Plus supports over 300 file types. This means that you do not need to buy expensive software products to view unknown files. Just install File Viewer Plus and open over 300 different file types with one app.

View and convert hundreds of file formats without purchasing expensive third party software! Support for Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Visio and project files. Play and convert almost any audio or video file. View and edit dozens of bitmap, vector and RAW image types for over 600 different camera models. Open email files, extract attachments and more.
Edit Microsoft Word documents and save changes. Modify images using an advanced image editor and save the resulting file in several different formats. Convert dozens of audio and video formats to various media file types – all with one app!

Supported video resolutions include 1080p, 720p, 1024×768, 800×600, 640×480, 640×360, and native video input size.

Have a lot of files to convert? With File Viewer Plus, you can convert hundreds or even thousands of files at lightning speed. Convert Microsoft documents, PDF files, multimedia files, text documents and more. Once you’ve done the batch conversion job, you can save your presets to use the same settings again.

The application displays file properties and metadata for each file when opened. View EXIF ​​data for images such as digital photos and raw image files. View codecs for audio and video files. View author information and source for documents. Use the File Viewer Plus information panel to reveal hidden data in all types of files.

OS: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8/ 8.1, Windows 7 Download File Viewer Plus (99 MB):

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