


NetLimiter is a program that solves the problem of network traffic control. NetLimiter monitors the activities of every application accessing the Internet and actively manages traffic by controlling the data rate. You can independently adjust the speed of downloading and sending information for each individual application or connection. Thus, if a program consumes network resources too actively in the course of its work, then you have a real chance to moderate its appetite. NetLimiter also maintains detailed statistics for all connections, displaying it in the form of graphs or tables.

Key features:
• limiting the traffic rate for each application separately
• the ability to set bandwidth allocation priorities for privileged (user-selected) programs
• maintaining detailed connection statistics, with the ability to export reports in XML format
• a simplified version of the firewall (firewall)
• the ability to remote administration of the program
• allows you to expand the functionality of additionally installed modules.
• allows you to divide traffic into external (Internet) and local (internal network)

OS: Windows 7, Vista, 8, 10, 11, Server 2008 R2, Server 2012, Server 2016 Download NetLimiter (13.9 MB):

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